Healing the Mother Wound Masterclass

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The 3 essential keys to healing the Mother Wound and unblocking the Flow of Receiving Masterclass

Join RozyGlow, Sacred Union & Paradise Earth Code Keeper, psychic soul coach and founder of StarPeace for a FREE online masterclass REPLAY designed to reveal the key methodology involved in the rewiring process. 

If you’d like to shift your relationship with receiving in an instant and build trust in the belief that you CAN have what you desire and it is safe to relax in your body, emotions and thoughts, you won’t want to miss this!


Do you have a mother wound that is blocking your flow to receiving?


How we relate to our mother affects our relationship with receiving on ALL levels including romantic love, nurturing, affection, sexual pleasure, material resources and feeling safe with our emotions.

It also affects our capacity to trust love is safe and trusting women and the feminine in general. Then there is the relationship with the divine and whether we believe there is a generous supply of what we need and desire ‘on tap’ or whether there is a catch to us receiving - must we be ‘good’ in order to be worthy and deserving of our needs being met? 


So, there are many reasons why our maternal bond holds the key to our ability to RECEIVE. I will be sharing the 3 essential keys to healing the mother wound and unblocking the flow of receiving.


If you’d like to shift your relationship with receiving in an instant and build trust in the belief that you  CAN have what you desire  and it is safe to relax in your body, emotions and thoughts, you won’t want to miss this!


The ‘motherboard upgrade’ is what my FearLESS, Loved Up & Limitless course gifts you and I will also be revealing to you the key methodology involved in the rewiring process. If you have been wondering if this program is for you, this masterclass will address any questions you have.


Whatever type of relationship you want, it IS available and it wants YOU too!

This practice has allowed countless clients to attract their sacred love union


Just like Sandy who discovered her beloved was right in front of her, even though she swore that there were no men in the whole of Switzerland that could be a match for her, and there he was…a perfect match for her creative, bohemian, musical and freedom loving nature.


And Katerina who declared she would be focused on her career this year and take a break from lovers, only to find her sacred union partner showed up within months…a match for her independent spirit that did not want to be tied down, in a monogamous set up or to move in together.


And Annie, who let go of a relationship that wasn't working for her, raised her standards and did the inner work only to find her ex was mirroring her inner healing efforts and they are now married and expecting their first child.

The 3 essential keys to healing the mother wound and unblocking the flow of receiving Masterclass Replay

If you’d like to shift your relationship with receiving in an instant and build trust in the belief that you CAN have what you desire and it is safe to relax in your body, emotions and thoughts, you won’t want to miss watching this!

Join our mailing list to watch the FREE Masterclass Replay.