Robust Theme
Dec 09, 2019 2020-04-08 7:40Robust Theme
Hey YOU! Want to Awaken Your POWER through RozyGlow Yoga?
How are you lovely one?
Feeling rather rattled, fed up and looking for a way to make a positive change?
We have lived through some of the craziest times of our lives the past 6 months. And we are going through more now. Having anchors to support us through change is really helpful for creating a feeling of security when moving through new territory- yoga IS such an anchor.
Have you let your yoga practice slip since we started our virtual yoga journey?

Physical classes continue to have their challenges, so we are focusing on offering physical alignment focused workshops, and weekly online yoga. This way you can develop your home practice safely and build your yoga body wisdom consistently.

As the nights draw in, it's easy to feel low, more anxious and stressed. Then we turn to our comfort measures that usually don't do us much good!
We NEED the light...and even when the sun doesn't shine much, we can access it through our yoga. We also need to remember that we have a CHOICE to be Sovereign Beings- even if it seems as though so much is out of our control. Multi'Dimensional Yoga, RozyGlow style, connects you back to how powerful you are, and reminds you how your personal journey can also support a positive shift around you.

Why not give it a go? Use the code: YOGADISCOUNT50 for you to gift yourself or to a friend. Why not invite them to join our tribe? Together we are stronger!
If you have been coming regularly then we want to say THANK YOU!
Please respond to this email and let us know why you show up every week -
I have a special gift for you to support you to feel Courageous and Confident in these times of change. I will send you a GORGEOUS meditation to support you though these changing times: I AM An Overflowing Cup, of Courage and Confidence- How does THAT sound?!
You know that i am here for those who want to awaken their power and learn how to use it wisely. NOW is the time, it has NEVER been more important...
YOGA is a GREAT way to start this journey of EMPOWERMENT... especially MultiDimensional Yoga... RozyGlow style!
Lots of love,