Robust Theme
Dec 09, 2019 2020-04-08 7:40Robust Theme
Full Moon in Aquarius July 2021

How would YOU act if you TRUSTED yourself FULLY and, instead of holding you back, your fears served to FUEL your desires?
THIS is the medicine of this full moon, one of two Aquarian full moons in a row. It heralds our full immersion into the NEW Age of Aquarius, which has been a long time coming!
More and more souls ARE awakening, but as with all change, resistance comes before acceptance.
Some resistance is helpful, like when we resist the attack of our ego-driven will. Other resistance is self-sabotaging. This is when we remain loyal to our fear-based conditioning and limiting beliefs, which drive our ego, rather than DARE to reclaim our power as SOVEREIGN beings.
By taking part in this Full Moon CoCreation you are signing up to RECEIVE a personal healing and also offering your energy to a Global healing, contributing to the ascension of humanity and our planet.
With the New Moon in Cancer we ACTIVATED our own SuperHuman Consciousness. NOW is the time to do this for the collective, our global family.
With this in mind, this Full Moon we'll be CoCreating a new narrative - the one that we'd like to see. A SuperHuman Mainstream Narrative.
If you missed the New Moon CoCreation (9th July 2021) it's not too late to take part. In fact, it's best if you DO take part before the Full Moon CoCreation this coming Thursday.
So what does a SuperHuman Mainstream Narrative look and feel like? How does it operate?
This is exactly what we'll be feeling into, with our hearts and souls, leaving our ego-programming behind. JOIN ME as WE CoCreate this as our REALITY. We'll be 'loving up' our internal and collective resistance to being our most PowerFULL, Heart-led, LightBody Activated SuperHuman (aka Divine Human) selves!
When we commit, show up and surrender to TRUSTING in the process of CoCreating with the Divine within us - rather than with our scared, control-freak ego's - MIRACLES can and DO happen.
Follow the link to sign up and align with your most graceful, easy and JOYFUL ascension, and gift this to our global village too.
Gather any crystals you have and use your imagination to create a sphere shape around your body to lie/sit in as you receive this healing transmission.
I'll explain the rest when we connect. I look forward to seeing you there.
Sign up to join my inner circle to receive the link and take part in this PowerFULL CoCreation.