Robust Theme
Dec 09, 2019 2020-04-08 7:40Robust Theme
Full Moon in Taurus Energy Healing & Upgrade - November 2021

"I AM CoCreating Secure Foundations in Love"
If you want to feel safe as you move through new and unfamiliar territory, this is definitely an upgrade to sign up for.
Last New Moon in Scorpio allowed us the space to illuminate all our fakery - the inauthentic parts of our being that 'appease' the crowds by telling them what they want to hear...all the ways we bury our truth until it demands being acknowledged. There we encounter our 'inner dark god/goddess' - the parts of us that WILL NOT and CANNOT be suppressed if we are to live lives of accountability, transparency and integrity.
And this is what sets the scene for us to TRULY feel SAFE in our own skin, and therefore, the world around us - we do this by embracing the 'good, the bad and the ugly'.
This Full Moon in Taurus is the gift for the hard work we have all been doing - that of meeting our own inner deception, terror and survival tactics with LOVE.
You cannot build a castle or a palace on insecure foundations. If the ground isn't optimal for your soul to shine, everything that is in the way WILL be stripped away.
Medicine often doesnt taste good (have you ever been dished out a 'truth pill'?), but it does make you feel better IF it is medicine to cure rather than to mask the symptoms of dis-ease and pain.
Those of you who have been journeying with me are the truth pill takers, seekers and is NOW time to have some soothing balm applied to all those pain points that have had their plasters ripped off.
JOIN ME as we align with cultivating our inner security by seeking to align with TRUTH in ALL of our internal dimensions.
This aligns us with the Divine and gives us FULL permission to SHOW UP and SHINE.
Sign up here to take part - spaces limited