Robust Theme
Dec 09, 2019 2020-04-08 7:40Robust Theme
I AM a Divine Human PIONEER of courageous & beneficial change

This New Moon in Sagittarius Solar Eclipse is the finale of the Gemini / Sagittarius Eclipse Corridor – expect it to feel like Final Exams time!
Have you learned to embrace change, or do you fear it? Can you turn anticipatory anxiety into positive anticipation?
It is said that necessity is 'the mother of invention' and when we choose to see perceived problems as BLESSINGS in disguise, all manner of MIRACLES become possible.
What happens when things don’t feel like they are going 'your way'?
Have you learned that when you put your soul in control, you are ALWAYS being guided towards your most optimal path? And that everything that happens along the way – whether anticipated and longed for, or an unexpected turn of events you did NOT want/anticipate – is happening FOR you, not TO you?
Courage is NOT the absence of F.E.A.R. It is the willingness to do what you KNOW is right, because your HEART (aka your soul) tells you so, even though it seems scary and there are no 'guarantees'.
“Everything is ALWAYS working out well for me and BETTER than I expected” is a GREAT mantra for this eclipse – even IF things seem to appear to the contrary. And a great affirmation: “I AM turning problems into Divine Blessings”.
Remember to read the whole book before judging what’s inside by the cover, or an excerpt from a chapter.
In the Northern Hemisphere, we are in a phase of the year where we are fast approaching the longest night. The darkest hour is ALWAYS just before dawn.
So, this is the time to harness the fire and confidence of the Sagittarius energy and choose to be a PIONEER of POSITIVE change.
It IS time to trust in your capacity to break new ground, navigate successfully through unchartered territory by being heart-led and by igniting the Divine Spark within you – your Higher Self.
We have some tricky territory to navigate up until the 25th December, but that does NOT mean it’s time to dread the unexpected.
Instead, join me for the FREE New Moon Solar Eclipse CoCreation Meditation so we can set the tone of turning problems into BLESSINGS and anchor the belief that things are ALWAYS working out for our Highest Good. This will be a StarSeed Solution-focused 5D Activation.
Save the date: Friday 3rd December at 12.30 GMT
(4:30 PST / 7.30am EST / 13:30 CET)
Click the link below to set a reminder:
The world might seem like it gets crazier before we really see the LIGHT being birthed in the dark. But remember that for intended changes to be long lasting and have a beneficial impact for all those of PURE HEART and GOOD INTENTION, the shadows of a corrupt world must ALL come to LIGHT in order for a New, Just and LOVING world to be birthed.
It is time for the Cavalry of LoveLight to SHOW UP and SHINE!