Robust Theme
Dec 09, 2019 2020-04-08 7:40Robust Theme
IGNITE your DESIRE FIRE - New Moon in Sagittarius Solar Eclipse

New Moon In Sagittarius Solar Eclipse...Fasten your Cosmic Seatbelt and GET READY To FLY!
Our last NEW MOON of 2020... let's go out with a BANG!
December 2020 is THE MONTH of UNPRECEDENTED change...
It IS TIME to take a step back and step up and TAKE A BIRDS EYE VIEW of our hopes, dreams, and aspirations...personal and collective.
Are you ready to IGNITE it into ACTION?
Join me for our New Moon Manifesting Meditation World Service as we take a moment to unplug from all the dramas and restrictions playing out all around us on the global stage and REDIRECT our focus towards the POWER of our IMAGINATION....something that CANNOT be restricted NO MATTER WHAT!
The choice between being an 'automatron' or 'Divine Human' has to be made within the heart of each of us- and FREE WILL must be RESPECTED according to Divine Law.
🔥 Archangel Michael's Sword of Compassion is a FLAME of LOVE that transmutes F.E.A.R. and ANGER into PASSION for CHANGE and this is HOW we IGNITE our DESIRE FIRE.
With the Gemini Full Moon, we used the sword of compassion on ourselves BEFORE we directed it to those we felt needed a compassion awakening.Now we get to expand OUR VISION beyond what we EXPECT to what we DESIRE and DREAM OF, but perhaps feel isnt possible.
The bridge between DESIRING and BELIEVING MUST be built in order for us to see our MANIFESTATIONS MATERIALISE.
So get your imagination working for you by asking the question...
We tuned into the radio station of VICTORY last Full Moon.
Lets now send this ahead into ALL our future CoCreations and SURRENDER them to The Highest Good of ALL.
The planets all INSIST that the age of Pisces IS NOW OVER.
So what you see being played out around you is an echo of the past.
Saggitarius is ALL ABOUT being BRAVE, EMBRACING ADVENTURE and taking RISKS. And the risk you are invited to take NOW is the RISK of DREAMING BIGGER THAN YOU EVER HAVE BEFORE!
To make this possible we are required to allow all the limiting beliefs and habits that keep us stuck where we don't expand to BURN AWAY. In ALL senses, this is LACK consciousness, however, it plays out in your life.
Join me 12.30pm GMT (7.30am EST) on FRIDAY December 11th so we can harness these SUPER POWERFUL energies ahead of the New Moon on the 14th.
Link to the RozyGlow YouTube channel
Remember to subscribe and tap the notifications button so you know when the LIVE has been published, and make yourself a cup of cacao, grab your notebook and pen and favourite crystals to work with and I WILL SEE YOU there :-)
The more the merrier so please do invite others to join us.
Blessings and love