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Dec 09, 2019 2020-04-08 7:40Robust Theme
The Sacred Union and Divine Destiny pathway for impact driven humans ready toΒ alignΒ with your soul purpose, live your dream life and activate your SuperPowers so you experience theΒ reality youΒ long forΒ and fulfil yourΒ Divine legacy
FearLESSΒ isΒ your invitation to:
Deep, juicy and fulfilling love that meets you on every level of your multi-passionate being and smashes out of the park all you were told love should or could be
Having your personal unmet needs finally met so you feel well resourced and supported to fulfil your biggest vision in this world and have the most impact with your purpose and talents
The specific tool kit required to shift you from someone βtryingβ to make a change into the frequency that allows that change to unfold right within you and around you for what you truly desire
Is this you?
You have known ever since you were little that this world doesn't make much sense and you are somehow different.
It may be that you identify as a StarSeed, Empath of Lightworker⦠yet your sensitivities tend to overwhelm you rather than feel like a gift.
All your life you have cared so much about others, often to the detriment of yourself and at this point in life you are ready to allow yourself to receive what you have been working so hard to achieve - the love that you dream of, the recognition you deserve, the opportunities to have phenomenal impact and the resource flow that allows you to feel well supported to thrive.
Right now you don't fully know how. And you are ready to learn from someone who does.
It is likely that you never truly felt like you belonged to the family you were born into and you can see that you have inherited some challenging beliefs that are holding you back despite how much work you have done on yourself seeking to change this.You spend too much time stuck in your head, have trouble trusting others and asking for help. You really want to learn how to follow and trust the voice in your heart. Guilt, shame, fear and self doubt affect you and your decision making and you truly want to align with taking guidance from the wisest part of you
You may well beΒ facing a big challenge in life and dont feel well resourced to face it. This is your time to learn how to CoCreate the reality you desire rather than energise the reality you fear, by learning how to overcome your own internal resistance to change.
I AM RozyGlow, MultiDimensional Success Coach and StarSeed Activator and I spent 20 years βtryingβ to overcome struggle, stress and constant failure before learning how to consistently CoCreate the life of MY dreams.
I mastered how to overcome the pre birth and early life conditioning that was creating constant struggle and lack in my life and switched stress for success through a simple MultiDimensional formula that puts your soul in control and teaches you HOW to Cocreate the life you want.

Becoming FearLESS
Getting Fearless, means unplugging from the F.E.A.R. matrix which is our pre-birth, inherited, adrenaline fuelled programming and plugging into the Divine Matrix, where we are fuelled by the love hormone Oxytocin, which allows us to THRIVE rather than Survive.
We cannot create a new world for ourselves or humanity, from an old world mindset. So shifting from F.E.A.R. to trust, is an essential part of the journey for all of us with a passion for personal and world change. This empowers us to CoCreate our New Desired Reality in the most graceful, easy and joyful way, including how we share our gifts.
As our vibrational frequency changes, so does our perception of the world around us, and ourselves.
"This is a full physical excavation of everything that is not your true identity so you can finally let your soul light shine through without fear.
It's a homecoming to who you truly are so you can be free to express your authenticity."
Gemma, FearLESS Graduate, Quantum Alignment Guide
"This program is absolutely fantastic and it will do everything that you want it to do! I canβt rate it highly enough so get on the course, now!"
Victoria, Teacher, FearLESS Graduate
Becoming Loved Up
Being Loved Up is a vibrational frequency which allows what we desire to come to us easily. Having a healthy sacred union with another, cannot come easily if we do not have a program (early life conditioning) that matches our desired experience. Dr Bruce Lipton describes his book The Honeymoon Effect, as 'the science of creating heaven on earth'.
The Fearless program, our process, gifts you the tools and formula for CoCreating both a personal and collective heaven on earth - what we call Paradise Earth.
For you personally, this means, clearing the blocks to attracting, having and maintaining the love dynamics you long for.

Early influences shape us
We are all impacted by our inherited programming and previous experiences, whether direct or passed down from those who conceived us and/or brought us up.
Our inner masculine, feminine and child is only as emotionally and psychologically healthy as those who influenced us most in our early years, and our expectations of the Divine Source - ALL That IS - are based on them too.
Attracting love starts within
So although I don't run coaching programmes called 'how to get the guy/girl in x weeks', I promise you that the essence to everything I teach is the healing of the relationship within.
Once you Love Up the wounds of those inner aspects of you, the magic can truly start happening.
If you are here because you are looking for love, you ARE in the right place.
YOU control your destiny
Having the focus on YOU makes everything you want possible, achievable and much closer than you imagine. The end results you desire are the gifts that come from upgrading your inner circuitry to your Divine BluePrint. This way you can CoCreate Your Personal Paradise in alignment with you Soul Truth.
Becoming Limitless
Freedom, sovereignty, inner authority - how do we claim these? And just who are you, really? There are so many layers of conditioning to 'love up' so we can shift from ego programming (early life conditioning), to living as our Higher Self and activating our Soul Blueprint.
The thorough methodology Fearless offers, clears layer by layer all that is inauthentic to your Divine Essence, harmonising your human self with your soul frequency so you shed the dread, fear and resistance to being truly aligned with your self chosen soul curriculum. The key outcome of this is we stop giving our power away to 'external' authority, and trust intrinsically our inner authority. This makes you a master of navigating unfamiliar territory - which is essential for creating a new world, from an old one.
The Delivery
FearLESSΒ Loved UpΒ and Limitless
A 6 month transformational journey, unique and bespoke to you.
This is a hybrid MultiDimensional container which includes individual AND group coaching, pioneering digital content and ongoing support.

- Individual Intention Setting Session to clarify your key intentions and identify your main blindspots so you focus on the areas most vital to you in the course content
- Individual Healing Session to fast track your progress by clearing blocks quickly so you can alleviate acute challenges and maximise the enjoyment of embracing change
- Weekly Online LIVE Group Coaching and Reality Crafting with the RozyGlow coaching team overseen by Rosanna
- Ongoing voice message support from the coaches between sessions, in a private message group
- 8 Modules of Digital Content including breathwork, movement, sound practices and unique MultiDimensional tools that align your conscious mind and subconscoous programming with your Highest self intentions
- Unique Energy Upgrade and Mindset Shifting tools, including the StarPeace StarMaps that target the symptoms and causes of physical and energetic misalignment and create instant and long term shifts
Weekly Online LIVE MultiDimensional Yoga that activates your Divine Architecture, Soul and Earth chakras, helps to transmute the old stories in your cellular memory and teaches optimal alignment so that you maximise the impact of your upgrades and rewire your nervous system to thrive - Divine Prosperity, Regenerative Wealth Upgrades and monthly interactive masterclasses that are bespoke to the issues arising in the coaching group for deeper healing
- Individual Next Steps Session to review your journey and identify key focal points that guarantee ongoing success and your bespoke pathway ahead
This systematic process is a life changingΒ six month journey
MODULE #1: Set Yourself UP for SUCCESS
Everything you need to know to hit the road running and get the best results from this program in the fastest time. Just the content in this module alone puts you on the Super Highway to manifestation success
MODULE #2: DeLightful Daily Practice Essentials:
An exploration of the key essential practices to living a soul lead existence, making the fuel change shift from adrenaline to oxytocin, and plugging into the Divine Architecture that connects you up to all the 5D Thrive Matrix grids
MODULE #3: Put Your SOUL in Control: Aligning with the Divine
All the tools required to activate your SuperConscious fully & put your Higher Self in the driving seat of your life so magic, miracles and synchronicities are now your NEW normal.
MODULE #4: Intention & Desire Mapping
Getting clear on intention is KEY to CoCreating your Reality Consciously. Learn all the MultiDimensional tricks of the trade for optimal physical, emotional, psychological & spiritual alignment, so your desires are entirely soul lead and the path to your dreams becoming your reality is created
MODULE #5: Conscious Mind Alignment
Though the subconscious is 95% more powerful than the conscious mind, NOT having your conscious mind aligned with your soul desires guarantees you WON'T get the results you want. Ignore this module at your peril…the conscious mind is the gatekeeper!
MODULE #6: Subconscious Clearing
Detox and upgrade ALL your social, cultural, religious & familial conditioning so you are free of the karma drama of your bloodline ancestors & the F.E.A.R. matrix world & can finally tune in to your soul mission & mastery
MODULE #7: Blind Spot Discovery and Fine Tuning
Keep your conscious and subconscious mind aligned with your SuperConscious so you get harvest after harvest from your desires manifesting, now the weeds have all gone and your sacred seeds are GROWING. Spot your own self sabotage & master course correcting like a BADASS!
MODULE #8: Self Mastery
Now you are manifesting your desires into your reality, learn the Conscious CoCreator’s secrets for stabilization, maintenance & expansion at YOUR pace. Your life is YOUR legacy dear StarSeed and you live by example to inspire those you have a soul contract to activate. Now you have what YOU want, here is how to enjoy it, build on it and receive your subsequent soul mission instructions.
FearLESS, Loved Up and LimitlessΒ Offer:Β
Bonus 1:
These four potent and exclusive RozyGlow StarSeed Divine Matrix upgrades, repair and activate the 10 crystalline strands of your StarSeed DNA, bringing your 12 strand Divine Human DNA consciousness into full operation, mega boosting your CoCreations and SuperPowers. Witness your Lightbody integrate and evolve from star to diamond, as your inner family resolves from wounded to Divine.
Bonus 2:
Activation Meditations, Clearing Rituals and Physical Alignment Practices for attracting sacred union
Allow the full flow of resources required for you to have access to ALL you desire to experience, to the level that YOU desire to experience it
Eradicate lack from all areas of your life and tap into the infinite flow of Abundance, Miracles and Magic eternally