Accessing the Ascension Gifts of Lion's Gate Portal Activation

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Lion’s Gate Portal Activation for New Earth Trailblazers & CoCreators Masterclass

Access the phenomenal gifts of this 888 Lion’s Gate so you can expand your capacity receive,  stabilise in the frequency of thriving and navigate the challenges of ascension.

This is the opening of the Lion’s Gate portal - one month ahead of it’s peak!


Join RozyGlow, Sacred Union & Paradise Earth Code Keeper, Psychic Soul Coach and founder of StarPeace for a FREE online masterclass designed to prepare your energetic architecture for a HUGE upgrade - how big is up to you to decide.

What does thriving mean to you?

What does plenty feel like to you?

How do you enjoy experiencing love most?

How much is more than enough? 

This masterclass is packed full of guidance to support you to make the most of the upcoming energies and how to recognise signs of regression as progression so you don't give up before the magic happens!

I will also be sharing with you the awesome opportunities we have in store for you during the actual Lion’s Gate peak of 7-12th August and conclude with a light language transmission from the StarPeace Collective to activate the Lion’s Gate expansion frequencies in you.



With the new moon in cancer we get to connect to the energies of the cosmic mother, which are a reflection of what we call the Divine or Sacred Feminine. There is a resistDANCE going on presently between these highly evolved energies and the wounded/toxic masculine and feminine energies that have reigned supreme during the patriarchal era. How we navigate and resolve this I will dive into during the masterclass.
We are also preparing for another patriarchal wound healing with the next full moon in capricorn, this time with the focus on the relationship between romance and finance.


This Masterclass is for you if you wish to experience joy and peace as your fundamental frequency and get super clear on what blocks the flow of you thriving as a leader, trailblazer and New Earth CoCreator.

I will reveal to you the #1 block and also the 5 resistance signs that are guaranteed to show up as your intentions are about to materialise.




Most CoCreators of the New Earth are so busy being in service to their tribe and mission that they often forget that having a happy and fulfilling personal life IS part of how they fulfil their soul mission.

So, whether you are a Trailblazing Pioneer, Heart Centred CEO or Conscious Creative or Entrepreneur, remember that YOUR happiness and fulfilment is not 'optional' - is it ESSENTIAL to your mission.

Give yourself permission to receive what you require and desire, and please do book in a Desire Mapping call with me if you want to uncover what is most in the way of you experiencing the life changes you most long for.

Whatever type of relationship you want, it IS available and it wants YOU too!


The RozyGlow methodology has allowed countless clients to attract their sacred love union, as ultimately, Sacred Union is about your connection between your soul and human self, the Divine and the earthly, as much as it is about your connection with others.

Gemma experienced a full physical excavation of everything that is not my true identity so that she could finally let my soul light shine through without fear. Her RozyGlow coaching experience has been a homecoming to who she truly is which has freed her to express her authenticity without apology or fear of persecution. "


And Shivani. Not only has this programme deepened and reinforced how important her role is but she has had physical transformations where pain in her body has been eliminated with immediate effect.

The benefits of the journey with Rozy have gone far beyond what she even imagined and she feels as though she have accessed the rich vision within her and beyond her and this has opened the door to a very big world. There have been huge upgrades from all aspects of her life and it feels as if her being, confidence and divine connection has raised to another level and she finds this allows her to be more peaceful in herself.



Sandy discovered her beloved was right in front of her, even though she swore that there were no men in the whole of Switzerland that could be a match for her, and there he was … a perfect match for her creative, bohemian, musical and freedom loving nature.


And Katerina who declared she would be focused on her career this year and taking a break from lovers, only to find her sacred union partner showed up within 3 months…a match for her independent spirit that did not want to be tied down, in a monogamous set up or to move in together.


And Annie, who let go of a relationship that wasn't working for her, raised her standards and did the inner work only to find her ex was mirroring her inner healing efforts and they are now married and expecting their first child.


And Jess, who went from feeling chronically single only seeming to attract unavailable or mildly interested partners who were controlling and narcissistic  to owning her deepest desires, doing the clearing work and ending up in a deeply loving thrupple relationship where she is seen, heard and loved wholly and completely.


Lion’s Gate Portal Activation for New Earth Trailblazers and CoCreators Masterclass

This is the opening of the Lion’s Gate portal - one month ahead of it’s peak!
You are invited to prepare your energetic architecture for a HUGE upgrade - how big is up to you to decide. You won’t want to miss this!

Join our mailing list to join the FREE Masterclass and have access to replay.