Robust Theme
Dec 09, 2019 2020-04-08 7:40Robust Theme
Liberation from Limitation
Liberation from Limitation is the course that makes YOU the Master of your Mind. Learn how to tame your mental chatter, LOVE UP self-sabotage and CoCreate your reality consciously with the 6 Steps to Success. This course will reveal how you can ReDesign and UPGRADE any area of your life, from relationships to finances.
Watch Now: FREE Breakthrough Web Class
Do you want to get UNSTUCK and make POSITIVE change?
This FREE Breakthrough Web Class will walk you through the first step of Liberation from Limitation – the course that will teach you how to TAME your MENTAL CHATTER and make YOU the Master of your Mind. I will also reveal some in-the-moment tools I use DAILY to get unstuck.
There are several options for doing this course including Digital only and With Coaching, prices range between £1111 - £2222 depending on your option. Payment plans available.
Bonus Content
- Singing Bowl Audio Meditation unlocked in Module 4 (valued at £40)
- I Am Statement Daily Prayer eBook (valued at £11.11)
- Festive First Aid Toolkit Course (valued at £297)
- £300 OFF Discount for Fearless, Loved Up and Limitless Course

"Liberation from Limitation is intention based, What do I have, what do I want, what’s in the way. How do I change that?
It’s a step by step guide to SEEING / listing who, what, where, when and changing it. It’s like you join with a shaken glass of muddy water and leave with the water and mud in the glass completed still"

Week 1 | Intention
Setting your internal Sat Nav
During This Session We Cover:
- What are the pre programs?
- Understanding that 'who' you are is who you were programmed to be
- Choosing your own destination & route-Intention, Alignment, Flow
- Aligning with Grace in all its expressions
- Setting the foundation – taking care of your basic needs first... what are they?
- Expanding your understanding of co-creation. We are multi-dimensional beings of love-light
- Intro to 3rd, 4th & 5th Dimensions
- Sacred Geometry + Divine Architecture
Week 2 | What You Focus On Grows
Hidden Blocks, Declared Roadworks & Route Closures
During This Session We Cover:
- What is resistance and the difference between duty and desire
- Stop playing the victim and become empowered
- Discover hidden blocks of resistance, low self-worth, self-doubt
- Decipher your inner critic - the judge, jury and the executioner

Week 3 | Trust Yourself
Alternative Routes You Can Take
During This Session We Cover:
- Become your own inner authority and unplug from the matrix
- Develop a relationship with your own intuition, inner sense, inner presence, divine self and higher-self
- Understand that fear (FALSE EMOTIONS APPEARING REAL) scrambles the signals of our intuition
- Understand your own story and question it
- Learn the ability to shift your perception of yourself and others
- Understanding the fabric of society and our family
Week 4 | Body Based Signals
External Road Signs and Making Sense of Your Direction On The Map
During This Session We Cover:
- Understanding the external signs (Symbolism, Synchronicities and signals you haven’t learnt to read yet)
- Pay attention to the signals you are receiving in bio feedback from your body
- See the 'road signs’ to show you whether what you are FOCUSED on is aligned with what you WANT

Week 5 | ReFrame it. ReWrite it
Change The Narrative
During This Session We Cover:
- Expand your perception of what is possible
- Time to reorientate and check that the map you have is the one you want to follow
- Getting clear on what story you want to write and energise it
- Understand your own story and question it
- Discover the key qualities of your character
- Change how you talk about situations that challenge you
Week 6 | Divine Navigation
Surrendering to the Super Conscious and Divine Timing
During This Session We Cover:
- Embodying your higher-self
- Exploring your relationship with your own inner presence
- Clearing up resistance that says we are NOT creators and are not this powerful
- Releasing all attachment to manifestations and timing of events
- Exploring the feeling of surrender

Join RozyGlow coaches as they walk you through the most effective CoCreation tools available today and learn to master them successfully.
Break FREE from un-conscious addiction to struggle and align with Grace and Ease.
Course Testimonials
Course formerly know as 'CoCreation Success'
The LFL presentations ARE SO GOOD...ive just been listening back to them...everyone should do that course! It really is incredible and hearing you explain things as you do is truly exceptional. For anyone seeking a perspective shift on their current circumstances so they can empower themselves to have a different experience. Wow. Chloe, LFL graduate