Sacred Union Call

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Fully Align with Love

Book Your Sacred Union Activation Call and become a true love magnet aligned with the love you desire to experience

BONUS Sacred Union Masterclass

Join RozyGlow, Sacred Union & Paradise Earth Code Keeper, psychic soul coach and founder of StarPeace for a Sacred Union Activation Call.

Finally be that vibrational match for the love you DO want, recognise it when it shows up and discover how to overcome the self sabotage patterns that have till now pushed it away.

BONUS - You will also receive the Sacred Union Masterclass. 

Learn the three crucial daily practices for becoming a true love magnet that activates your Sacred Union codes so you become fully aligned with the love you are longing to receive

Book your Sacred Union Activation Call

I spent my whole teen and adult life being a magnet for Mr Wrong until I learned what it meant to put my soul in control of my relationships.

On the surface I looked confident, successful and purpose driven, but inside I felt inadequate, unfulfilled and longing for what seems utterly illusive - TRUE LOVE.

That was until I utilised the tools I discovered what I can share with you - what got me to be the happily married woman I AM today, feeling fully on purpose with my mission and well supported and resourced physically and energetically. 

Book your Sacred Union Activation Call

If You Are Done With

Kissing frogs hoping they will magically become Kings and Queens

Being focused on career success to avoid the loneliness inside

Seeming like the only single left in your friendship circles and family

Book your call, and let's get you activated and aligned with your desire.

Book your Call Now

Whatever type of relationship you want, it IS available and it wants YOU too!

This practice has allowed countless clients to attract their sacred love union


Just like Sandy who discovered her beloved was right in front of her, even though she swore that there were no men in the whole of Switzerland that could be a match for her, and there he was…a perfect match for her creative, bohemian, musical and freedom loving nature.


And Katerina who declared she would be focused on her career this year and take a break from lovers, only to find her sacred union partner showed up within months…a match for her independent spirit that did not want to be tied down, in a monogamous set up or to move in together.


And Annie, who let go of a relationship that wasn't working for her, raised her standards and did the inner work only to find her ex was mirroring her inner healing efforts and they are now married and expecting their first child.

Fully Align with Love

Become a true love magnet that activates your Sacred Union codes so you become fully aligned with the love you are longing to receive.

Join our mailing list and claim your FREE Sacred Union Activation call.

BONUS - You will also receive the Sacred Union Masterclass 'Put your soul in control to align with your Sacred Union'