Robust Theme
Dec 09, 2019 2020-04-08 7:40Robust Theme
Discover the 3 essential keys to accessing and stabilising in the 5D+ Frequency so that inner peace and world peace become our collective reality
Light workers, Empaths & StarSeeds this is for you!
Do you find yourself often:
Suffering for the world…animals, humans…the planet herself?
Feeling depressed, angry and anxious about the state of the world but feeling helpless to do anything about it?
Wanting to empower yourself and others to step through misery, doubt, fear, confusion and struggle, into a safe space where all can co-exist in a harmonious and joyful way?
This is your invitation to be part of the global narrative shift from surviving to thriving and from conflict into peace.
This masterclass outlines the 3 key life shifts we can each make that allow us individually to raise our frequency so we become wired to thrive rather than survive.
As we change our perception of reality through upgrading our frequency, we set a new precedence which builds momentum into what is destined to become a tsunami wave of positive change.
This is a free masterclass where Rosanna and the RozyGlow coaching team will outline what is required on a fundamental level for a global narrative shift and platform upgrade from surviving to thriving.
It will also introduce the new StarPeace Paradise Earth Portal monthly membership which includes what we used to call the Full Moon Manifesting Circle lives and so much more, for the price of a book!
Those of you who show up live for the masterclass or pre-register for the monthly membership if you can't make it live (which you can cancel at any time) will receive an A4 pdf of the FearLESS SOS StarMap, which is packed with in the moment practices to help shift you out of struggle and into an empowered state whenever and wherever.