Personal Fulfilment Fast Track

This month long intensive has 4 elements:

The Pre Birth & Early Influences questionnaire that activates our earliest subconscious memories

An Early Imprints clarification & reprogramming session to clarify and clear the key limiting beliefs creating the story you are ready to change NOW.

Voice message support between sessions to integrate the lessons and deep healing

A Divine Navigation call that connects you with the version of you that is living the life you wish to experience and the story you desire to tell.


SESSION ONE is a 90 minute call where we go through the answers you gave to the 'Early Imprints & Pre-birth Influences' doc to establish the key pre cognitive beliefs that hold you back whenever you are facing an important change or a crossroads in your life. These beliefs relate to things you tell yourself all the time that undermine your best efforts and energise self doubt which creates self sabotage. During this session I will hold you in an energetic safe space, so you are witnessed with compassion as you connect the dots between the inherited influences you are now aware of, and your current life experience which is causing you difficulty.

Together we will create new beliefs based on reversing the old limiting ones and I will be channeling healing so we can connect where in your body these old beliefs reside, so we can clear their cellular memory.

In between sessions 1 and 2 you have access to me on WhatsApp/Telegram for voice message support during normal business hours.

SESSION TWO This 90 min call is a soul reading and will be based on the answers you give to the pre call questions you are asked to fill in. The session is customized to you and where you are in your life in relation to your unfulfilled goals, or whatever is currently an issue that you want a breakthrough with. It will include an auracle card reading, light language guidance from your soul consciousness and I will guide you through a bespoke CoCreation meditation to embed the new beliefs you are ready to embody and connect to the frequency of your Highest Self. We focus on the most important actions to create impact and the order to take them in with grace and ease, fast. You will walk away with a personalized plan of action to keep you focused on your next steps and an audio recording of your CoCeation meditation so you can stay connected to your Highest Self consciousness and continue to receive their guidance until you are ready for more.

You have 14 days to schedule Session Two and voice message support is offered for the total period of one month.

Upon purchasing this unique offer, you will receive an email with a link to the Early Imprints & Pre-birth influences questionnaire and a link to my calendar so you can book in your two sessions (please check your spam!).

£1,800.00 GBP

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