Robust Theme
Dec 09, 2019 2020-04-08 7:40Robust Theme
The StarPeace CoCreators Circle presents the
Manifesting Magic Membership
Are you ready to bring your Highest Consciousness into EVERY area of your life?
This membership is for the Empaths, StarSeeds, LightWorkers & Luminaries ready to get free from the bloodline karma drama that’s been sabotaging your success and overcome the 3D challenges that manifest as lack, struggle and stress so you align fully with your THRIVE Reality and MegaBoost your Manifesting Power
Manifesting Magic Invitation
Love & Peace are more profitable than Fear & Conflict
What the world needs now, is love, sweet love…and a letting go of all old martyrdom and struggle stories. You are invited to step in fully to CoCreating the THRIVE paradigm for yourself and the world. The new world CANNOT be built on lack, so we are called to let go of lack programming in all dimensions and be incredibly deliberate in our intentions and manifestations.
Would you like to participate in a cosmic container designed to amplify Conscious Manifestation in your life?
You will be guided through a monthly cycle of Activation, Transformation and Healing to fully access your MultiDimensional nature, increase your magnetism and maintain your chosen vibrational frequency so you spiral UP In Joy, whatever is going on in the collective.
Dear StarSeed. I know you feel you have a soul destiny to participate in the CoCreation of the New Earth but often get so caught up with feeling the pain of the world and your own personal struggles that your impact has been limited.
Are you ready to take full ownership of your MultiDimensional Reality so you have the most optimal experience of fulfilling your soul mission with grace, ease and JOY?
Good! This is a membership designed for YOU beloved one! It IS time NOW.
The idea behind this membership is to make it possible for everyone with a current ‘lack’ story running in their lives, that affects their capacity to invest in our in depth coaching programs, to overcome that story so it is no longer affecting any area of their lives.
It is also to give everyone new to our community a taster of what is possible so you feel confident in investing in our more in depth offerings.
Creating in the quantum fields requires commitment, patience and practice, and full mind/body/soul alignment. The StarPeace CoCreators Circle membership is designed to provide a sacred space for those committed to their own liberation and that of humanity to chart their own progress and energise the shifts desired in the collective.
Please be clear that having a healthy relationship with resource is essential to the new world. We will support every one of you who wishes to grow out of a struggle and lack mindset, on the basis that you will be willing to challenge your beliefs around all that you lack.
What You Will Get From The Manifesting Magic Membership
New Moon Activation, Intention Setting & Soul Guidance
The monthly New Moon Intention setting Q&A, Auracle Reading and Light Language transmission cultivates the energies of each month’s new moon so you refine your intentions, energise graceful manifestation, maximise helpful influences and minimise challenging elements. Rosanna will offer psychic response Q&A to those who are signed up to the Gold membership levels, as well as the light language energy update from the StarPeace collective whilst interpreting the MultiDimensional Auracle card spread for the month ahead.
Accountability, Transformational Content & Breakthroughs
This membership includes a monthly masterclass for gold and platinum membership levels with the specific intention of activating a breakthrough for you in relation to the month’s new moon intentions and full moon clearing and healing.
These will be themed around Conscious Union, Conscious Creation, Conscious Wealth and Conscious Influence and will be responsive to your requests…so do remember to ‘Just Ask’ for what you want more of.
Members are invited to demonstrate accountability to the tasks and quests set during the live sessions and share their wins in the Manifesting StarPeace Eutopia fb group so these are further energised. Challenges will also be addressed in the live sessions Rosanna and guest coaches host- if you are a gold member you will be able to interact with the coaches during the live sessions.
We are excited to bring to life the mindset shifts that form the basis of StarPeace Consciousness through live interactions so they become the basis for our chosen reality. Excited?!!! So YES!!!!!!
Full Moon Personal Healing, Resistance Clearing & Reality Crafting
When powerful intentions are set into motion we KNOW that resistance will show up, so the Full Moon sessions are designed to specifically clear this resistance up, as deeply as is possible without doing a full Emotional Mental detox (which is what our 121 and group coaching programs offer). When we wish to see a change in the world, the most effective place to create that change is in ourselves, so this is how we offer world service through personal healing. The StarPeace Collective speak through my Light Language which helps to speed the process of clearing up and direct the healing energy codes where they are most needed in those who attend.
I will be offering channelled guidance to those in the zoom room who have questions or are experiencing a particular challenge. This is ALWAYS relevant to those who catch the replay.
The group sessions available to you combined with the online MultiDimensional yoga will massively speed up your progress, results, resistance clearing AND desired impact in this world.
You can cancel your membership at any time - please note this will be effective from the next payment cycle.
Do you love all of this and just want the yoga?
The StarPeace CoCreators Circle Panel of Experts
Not only will you have direct access to Rosanna during the Lives she hosts, but you will also have access to Kate Coulson who leads the FearLESS, Loved Up & Limitless course, and Lula Rose McGill who leads the Liberation from Limitation course AND a whole team of MultiDimensional luminaries and coaches either guesting or hosting on masterclasses with specific themes they are experts around.
About The Host
Rosanna is the Founder of The StarPeace Movement and one of the original code keepers of the blueprint of Paradise Earth, with a mission to re introduce the concepts of Conscious Union, Creation, Wealth & Influence. She works with heart centred leaders, conscious creatives and influencers who identify as StarSeeds, Empaths, Light Workers and Way Showers, helping them unplug from trauma and inherited conditioning, so they remember their soul mission, reactivate Earth’s Paradise codes and CoCreate world peace.
Rosanna is this world’s StarPeace CodeKeeper, CoCreatrice of the StarPeace StarMaps and related methodologies, an internationally recognised MultiDimensional Success Coach, Channel of Divine Grace, Galactic Healer and Psychic Intuitive as featured in Forbes, The Daily Mail and Authority Magazine. She is best known for activating MultiDimensional Consciousness, gracefully bridging the worlds of the F.E.A.R. based and THRIVE paradigms, creating a birth canal for mass ascension.
Having spent 22+ years in the world of fertility, pregnancy, birth and conscious parenting, RozyGlow is an early influences pioneer, Reiki Master and Senior Yoga teacher/trainer specializing in perinatal yoga. She has worked extensively with the perinatal period, and now focuses on birthing the soul in humans desiring to fulfil their soul mission and activate their SuperPowers fully.
She is married to her Sacred Union Twin Flame Buzz and have two grown up StarSeed daughters between them…RozyGlow’s blood daughter Scarlet (22) and Buzz’s blood daughter Morgan (24) and lives at StarPeace HQ in Peacehaven, UK