Robust Theme
Dec 09, 2019 2020-04-08 7:40Robust Theme
What makes the feminine truly inspiring and influential in positions of leadership?
Inspirational, Influential Women in Leadership…
The shocking truth about the women who are considered most inspirational and charismatic in our world today
We are in the time of the feminine rising.
It IS time for StarPEACE. Here's why and how.
Once Upon a time, a long, long time ago…
A planet was created as ‘the only planet of free will’ - a living library for all sentient beings in one Universe to co-exist in harmony with each other, as a...
Transmuting criticism and judgement into RADICAL SELF LOVE
How can we use the energies of Gemini with this Full Moon to transmute criticism and judgment into RADICAL SELF LOVE?
Here we are, another year into what has been referred to as the 'Apocalypse'. Th...
I AM a Divine Human PIONEER of courageous & beneficial change
This New Moon in Sagittarius Solar Eclipse is the finale of the Gemini / Sagittarius Eclipse Corridor – expect it to feel like Final Exams time!
Have you learned to embrace change, or do you fear it?...
Full Moon in Taurus Energy Healing & Upgrade - November 2021
"I AM CoCreating Secure Foundations in Love"
If you want to feel safe as you move through new and unfamiliar territory, this is definitely an upgrade to sign up for.
Last N...
FearLESS Warriors you are being called!
MultiDimensional Yoga AND Full Moon Meditation
SUNDAY 17th October, 7:30pm - 9:15pm BST
With this Full Moon, we love up the ResistDance that ha...
Repatterning our womb experience - Full Moon Energy Healing & Upgrade + MD Yoga!
"I AM the product of the Divine Feminine Womb"
This Full Moon we are offering something truly special and EXPANSIVE. I will be combining my usual Monday MultiDimensional Yoga class with the Full Moon...
How to tell the difference between 3D, 4D and 5D consciousness
The Rainbow Flame came to me to integrate way back in 2017 - yup, that long ago! Learning I AM a code keeper has been a huge revelation...and the Rainbow Flame is a whole WHAMMY of codes! As a code ke...
Seeding positive expectations with the New Moon in Virgo
"I AM The Divine Child"
Full Moon in Aquarius - August 2021
I AM Unconditionally Receiving
What does it mean to unconditionally RECEIVE?
We have all these ideas about what is 'good' and 'bad' to experience. But what if EVERYTHING we experience and encounter ...